Our First Day Home Together

Nona and Papa spent the night last night and they got up early to take care of Gabriella, while Mama and daddy stayed in their bedroom looking after Olivia. After we got her changed and awake, Mama gave her a good feeding.

Nona made a HUGE breakfast while Papa watched Gabriella. After breakfast was ready, Papa fed Gabriella and they delivered breakfast in bed to us in our room. We had enough food for 20 people. It was delicious.

We spent most of the day just lounging around the house, enjoying Olivia. Gammie and Daddy Cool came over later in the evening brought dinner for all of us. Everyone took turns holding Olivia. Big sister Gabriella had lots of visiters to keep her company today too.

After Gabriella’s bath, she came in and got on the bed with her Mama and daddy and baby sister. We just layed around for a little bit, all three of us just looking in amazement at the beauty of Olivia.

Olivia with Gammie:

Snuggled up and snoozing:

With Daddy Cool:

With Mama and Gabriella:

One Response to “Our First Day Home Together”

  1. Claire Says:

    Gabriella- you look like you are being such a great big sister! I hope you’re enjoying your new friend!

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